Wedding Disaster
This time last week, I was on my way to a wedding. Little did I know what a disaster my friends and I would be. Here's a little timeline...
Social media outlets, like Instagram and Facebook, can be informative and helpful when connecting with family and friends, but they can...
Using Vacation Days and PTO
PSA and advice to all those ~young professionals~ out there PTO - paid time off We all have PTO but why don't we use it? We work so hard...
ROYAL WEDDING ..... a bit late :)
My thoughts during the Royal Wedding are as follows: **Context 6:45am on Saturday, May 19** **May or may not have had a Royal Watch Party...

Cheese Dip
It's Monday around lunch time and I am starving. I brought a sandwich but it's not sounding super appetizing. I passed a Mexican...
Remember when Target launched that HUGE line with Hunter?!??! UPDATE: Unfortunately the HunterxTarget release will not feature the...

I predicted that George would be named George. I predicted that Charlotte would be named Charlotte. So here's my prediction for the new...
Let's relate...
I was talking with my friend Kate the other day about life after college. One of the main things we discussed was how our generation...
My Morning Routine
I have been getting a lot of comments and Instagram DMs about my skin and more specifically my morning routine. So, here we go :) I...

How I Got HelloFresh $1.50
This a post for all my #strugglingartists out there. We have no money and the money we do have we spend on things we don't need like...